Monday, December 27, 2010

December 2010

Merry Christmas, Pappy & Gigi (aka, Chuck & Gina)!  We are so excited for your new adventure and thought it would be fun to create a blog for us and others to follow you around the world.  We hope you have a wonderful time and will miss you!
Love, the Hansmeyer clan


Anonymous said...

Five mores days and we'll be heading out to sea. We are so excited about having this blog so we can keep everyone informed about our travels. Thank you Hansmeyer family for such a wonderful and thoughtful Christmas present.
Pappy & Gigi

Jeannie Duisenberg said...

What a way to start retirement! So glad we can come along vicariously through your blog. I'm the person who likes to look at everybody's trip photos so click away.
Bon voyage Chuck and Gina! Have a fabulous time.

Unknown said...

Bon Voyage We know you will have a spectacular trip. Love, Mary & John S.

Patti Silva said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! I will be following you! Cannot wait to read all about your travels.... Very exciting!! Bon Voyage... Xoxo Patti

Unknown said...

bon voyage !! we are excited for your adventure -- thank you for taking us along!! love and woofs lynn maya & mo miller

marianna said...

bon voyage! have fun and take lots of pictures

Unknown said...

Thanks for taking me along.Don't spend a lot time looking at this screen

Nora said...

This will be great to live vicariously through you and Chuck these next 4 months...I hope you go places that are warm!! Nora

Anonymous said...

Less then 24 hours and you will be on board. Enjoy every single moment.


Anonymous said...

Happy Sailing, Happy Retirement. Have an amazing time. Look forward to following you along in your blog. The Ryans will await a update dinner on your return. xoxoxo Mary, Dan and Allen

tootingcalling said...

I received your email today, on 19th and saw that TODAY'S THE DAY...You are in Los Angeles...right? How thrilling...I will be watching and look forward to welcoming you when you arrive in London.
very best wishes for a glorious voyage.

Unknown said...

Enjoy your well deserved tour.

Pekka said...

Looks like a fantastic journey; almost
reaches Finland in the end. Enjoy!
I'm goin to retire this year, as well.

Cousin Pekka, Tampere, Finland

Lauren said...

Well, by now you've spent your first night on-board and are getting ready to "set sail" this evening - wow! I hope you're relaxed and truly ready to start your big adventure. We survived our first night (no open window for the cats!) and I'm heading out with Dally for the first walk of the day... We all miss you and can't wait to hear your tales! Lots of love and hugs and wet-nosed kisses being sent your way!

Kim Johnson said...

Oh my goodness.... I love traveling through someone else's eyes. We will all love watching and listening to all the stories! Cheers to a wonderful journey!

Anonymous said...

adele said:
guardate e fotografate tutto per raccontarcelo
quando ci rivedremo. viva la pensione.
buon divertimento e buon viaggio.
Adele e Primo

Unknown said...

I am looking forward to seeing you in Thailand

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