Saturday, January 29, 2011

1st Port of Call - Nuku Hiva

Tendered into Taiohae and received a warm Marquesian welcome.

The Marquesians are a very artistic people, specializing in wood carving and bead work.

A very rugged island, with cliffs dropping directly to the sea, Nuku Hiva’s few beaches are black sand.  After walking through the warm waters, we ended up wondering how to dry our sandy feet when Chuck miraculously found a small blue towel hanging from a coconut tree.  At the same time I noticed a spigot in the tree, which led us to discover a valve and stone platform.  Inadvertently we had found an outdoor shower, just what we need – problem solved.

We proceeded to walk around the bay to Pearl Lodge, a beautiful hotel, where we had drinks and lunch overlooking the Silver Spirit anchored in the bay.

1 comment:

Milton said...

OMG, Now we're talking....

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