Tuesday, February 22, 2011

On a Sad Note . . .

We were shocked to hear yesterday afternoon that Christchurch suffered yet another major earthquake, much worse than those of September and January, which has taken lives and has turned the City up-side-down, but relieved to know that our friends in Christchurch are safe.

Some people shots from Wellington, NZ.

Thanks to our wonderful home town friends, Peggy and Richard Greenfield, who recently introduced us to Marianne Hargreaves and her family from Christchurch, NZ, we were met at the port by Marianne and her lovely friend Hillary, and treated to a very special day indeed.  They were unrelenting in their hospitality and showed us so much more of this beautiful area than we ever could have experienced in any other way.

As you may know, Christchurch, NZ has suffered two recent earthquakes, first in September, 2010 (8.0+ and lasting 45 seconds - yikes!), and again in the latter part of January, 2011, as well as thousands of aftershocks.  There was considerable damage to many historical buildings and older homes, but luckily no loss of life.  Much repair and restoration is afoot throughout the area.


The Avon River runs gently through the center to town, with beautiful homes and parks all along its banks.  The countryside is stunning, rolling hills, beautiful vistas, and lovely streams throughout.  We could easily return for an extended visit to this and other parts of NZ.

After searching on foot for over an hour we finally found a car rental agency in Dunedin, NZ (Scottish heritage), hired the last car available, and set out to see the countryside.

We took the high road, through rolling sheep-filled hills, and the low road, along the bay, and traveled to land’s end to see the Royal Albatrosses and Yellow Eyed Penguins, stopping at a Scottish castle along the way.

At Stewart Island we tendered in from Patterson Bay where the fog had lifted and the sun shone brightly and walked over the hill to Half Moon Bay where we found ourselves back in the fog.  Stewart Island has about 450 residents and is a mecca for backpackers.

After walking back over the hill we took a water taxi to unpopulated Ulva Island and walked through the natural habitat where we found a little bird that pecked at our toes, strolled along a beach accompanied only by a sea lion that decided to come ashore while we were there, and collected beautiful sea shells in a little cove as we waited for our taxi to return and take us back to our tender.

 The weather remained gray and chilly as we cruised through the spectacular Milford Sound, known as the southern alps and described as the 8th wonder of the world by Rudyard Kipling.  All passengers and many crew were gathered on deck to view this mystical place on earth.  Everyone seemed to experience the power of nature, the remoteness and the peace.

 Our butler, Anita, gets to enjoy the view.  

Fellow passengers, above, braving the cold and wind and having a great time at Milford Sound.


Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful there! How nice to get a personalized tour. Probably nice to see some familiar faces by now. Love the shot of Chuck and his bookish friend, and I do hope that you remembered to check for rats & seeds!

Sandra said...

Heard about the recent earthquake and immediately checked your itinerary - glad is was so easily accessible. NZ looks beautiful and great people pics - especially of you two! Carry on and thanks for entertaining us.

Miltonville said...

Very sad about the earthquake :(...

Okay, so what's the story with the handsome man with the salt and pepper hair with the black "Members Only" jacket on at the side of the ship? He is American or Dutch, German or Austrian? Is he an actor, an entrepreneur or an undercover spy? Gina, that's your mission so get back to us please, lol. Who is the most interesting person(s) you have met so far on the boat?

And BTW, Boat rides look good on you.


Kim Johnson said...

Wow, your photos of NZ are spectacular. I've heard how beautiful it is there. We are wishing the residents of Christchurch a quick recovery. Love the photos of you both too! Keep them coming. Chuck, you better keep an eye on that wooden woman, she looks deceitful.... I wouldn't trust her with ANYTHING! We are expecting snow here in the next day or two. The weird weather continues. Happy Academy Awards weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing us along on this beautiful part of the world. I can understand why people speak so hightly of NZ. Happy to know that you and your freinds were/are safe from the earth's adjustment.

Love the photo's of the people and the magical Milford Sound.

Counting the full moon's until your return. ENJOY.

Casa De Silva said...

I think NZ is overrated.

kidding of course.

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