Sunday, April 24, 2011

India and beyond

Cochin, India

Henna body art.

We spent the day on an Indian houseboat, cruising the backwater of Cochin and got a birds eye view of life along the river.

Washing, fishing, walking, paddling, and bathing through a peaceful existence.

Back in town . . .

Fishing is essential to Cochin, as in many other areas of the far east.  These are the Chinese fishing nets used in Cochin, which are raised and lowered twice each day.

Bombay (Mumbai), India

Khasab, Oman - Arid, very hot, and so peaceful.  Love the men's attire - very mysterious.

After spending the morning in the high inland country, we traveled on a private dhow, just 6 of us, and spent the afternoon in the Musandam fjords, cruising to 5 remote fishing villages.  Schools of dolphins swam along with our dhow - we would clap and whistle and they would come to the boat - what an experience!

Dubai AKA Las Vegas East . . .

The Burj Al Arab Hotel - 6 Stars - You can only visit if you make a reservation for a meal or stay overnight.  We opted for tea.

  Then to the desert for a very special evening.

Somehow we ended up riding a camel when all we had intended was to take a picture - glad we did it - getting up and back down was very exciting.

Day 2 in Dubai and off to the busiest and least touristic fish market yet.  Everyone wanted their picture taken with these weird people who didn't fit in.  They even had me holding fish and gave me their e-mail addresses so I could send them copies of the photos.

Great outfits for the men and boys - not so great for the women.


Lauren said...

L-O-V-E the picture of you in the desert! These are fantastic shots. Turning green with envy now that you're out of the humidity and into the dry heat. xxo

Sandra said...


Miltonville said...

I keep thinking.... This is the Best Post... And then you post an even better one!! I love these photos. You look soooooooooo HAPPY!!! I don't know, I'd pay big bucks to witness firsthand Chuck riding a camel.


Miltonville said...

Just came back to look again.... Love-love-LOVE these photographs! I've been missing you, but now im really missing you..... How many weeks left? Xoxo

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