Sunday, January 23, 2011

Half Way to the Marquesa Islands

Second day at sea and the weather is great.


Lauren said...

Well, it certainly looks as if ship life is agreeing with both of you!

Kim Johnson said...

Great Photos! Keep them coming! I am now officially jealous.....

Anonymous said...

Hi Gene & Chuck - Peter and I arrived at San Pedro Harbor Sat. AM on the Princess Sapphire - we must have passed at sea! Your trip sounds wonderful - looking forward to reading about it.
Bon Voyage!

Sandra said...

Looks like both of you are already relaxed! Cheers, Sandi

Anonymous said...

why Chuck are you drinkink a white wine when
jou usually prefer the red wine???

Kim Johnson said...

Well it looks like the food is outstanding because the presentation certainly is. Can't wait to hear about your first Polynesian Island. Italian and French classes eh? Wow, Ok, well..... let's see.... (how to make news here sound as exciting.....) weather in California has been SOOO mild (my flowering pear trees are starting to bud) (yikes), while the rest of the country is shoveling record breaking amounts of snow. Super Bowl is a week from Sunday between Pittsburgh and Green Bay. The State of the Union address was long (over an hour), without "Boos" and "Yays", with a focus on building our future but no real map to get there. Interest rates unchanged and stock market reacting to troubles in Cairo. All is good. We'll let you know what the ground hog does next week. Enjoy you guys! How marvelous!!!!

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