Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If it's Thursday, we must be in . . . where are we?

In Pattaya, Thailand we received royal treatment and an up close and personal view of life in Thailand from Chuck's PU business associate, Gary Hacker, who has been a resident for over 15 years.  Gary met us at the ship and proceeded to take us on an in-depth and whirlwind tour, which included everything from incessant discovery of new foods to walking the back water housing area of Pattaya.  He saw to it that we ate one of everything, visited every imaginable point of interest, and drove like a Tour de France driver to get us back to our ship before it sailed - we were the last one's on board.

Floating snacks.

Bug snacks.

Duck for breakfast!

The fish market.

The fishing fleet.

Cottage industry.

The Temple - Hand carved.

A great dinner and back to the ship.

Singapore - everyone said it was very clean (true) and boring (untrue).

 Our introduction to Singapore - Clark's Quay (the happening spot) and a pepper crab dinner.

 The Clinic Bar

 No, guess again.

These are the girls:

The Sands Hotel, Casino and Shopping Center

Part of the skyline.

Under development!

Kuala Lumpur (KL to those in the know) - PetronasTowers - 88 Stories high and made of stainless steel.

 Inside are offices, and of course, a high end shopping    center.

The other side of KL - the wet market and the latest in pedicures . . .

Next a visit to our taxi driver's home in Klang before returning to the ship in Port Klang - he wanted to computer assistance and his wife served us tea.

Next stop Penang, Malaysia - one of the Budhist temples.

Lunch at the beach.

Phuket, Thailand - The taxis went on strike and only two of our excursion buses got through the gate.  The ship and remaining passengers, plus the buses, bus drivers, and tour guides were stranded.  The police had been paid off by the cab company and were not going to help us.  We were struck at a barren port for 4 hours in the blazing heat, but we did make the Thai newspapers.

Colombo, Sri Lanka - Lots of people, even more buses, hotter than blazes, and no way to get out into the countryside, but we still had a good time.

At the Hindu temple, our 1st stop, we saw our very 1st traffic accident.

A quick stop for refreshment and then we went back to the ship.  We had hoped to see a bit more of Colombo, but it was too hot and we opted for some pool time.


Milton said...
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Lauren said...

Amazing! Love seeing all the photos! One question - what's going on with the pedicure deal? Those aren't leeches, are they?

Sandra said...

Ok, the pictures keep getting better and better - what camera are you using? And you two are looking more and more relaxed with each post! Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Amazing photo's, I think National Geographic material. The colors are amazing in India photo's. Yes, please do fill us in on the pedicure photo.


tootingcalling said...

HI there!...haven't been here for a while...you both look very comfortable living your nomadic life and what stories you will have...when are you coming to London? Fish and Chips await!

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